First, I'm in the midst of creating Grammar books for both 2nd and 3rd Grade. I'm using some freebies I got from another mom as the basis and also our Catholic Faith. Here are a couple examples.
2nd Grade Grammar: God's Language
3rd Grade Grammar: God's Grammar
Another project I'm working on is making easily understood worksheet/notebooking pages for the Astronomy book Exploring Creation with Astronomy. Here is an example.
The project that seems to be getting the most work is the one for Reading. I'm wanting to introduce the kiddos to book reports and reading for comprehension. I also want them to learn new vocabulary words and understand the usefulness of context for figuring out words they are unfamiliar with. So far I've got a 2nd Grade Simple Book Report and Vocabulary pages as well as those same pages for 3rd Grade with just a bit more asked on the Book Report page. Both my kiddos are voracious readers, so my main goal is to foster that as well as have them understand what they're reading. I've also done a Horse main idea work-set and Military Airplane main idea work-set. Here are examples of all four projects.
Book Report Vocabulary Simple Book Report
Religion is the catechism this year. My 2nd grader is using the First Holy Communion Catechism, while my 3rd grader is using the standard Baltimore Catechism No. 2. Using those catechisms I have made a work-book that asks questions pertinent to each lesson, not like the rote memorization of old, but more about reading for comprehension. Here are examples of both projects.
History this year is learning the continents (2nd Grade) and countries (3rd Grade). We're using several different books, but my favorite is I Used to Know That Geography. Since it is grouped according to continent, we're using the vocabulary from each continent as well as the various landforms and such. In addition we have a book that details great cities across the globe, so we're reading sections of that pertinent to the continent that is our focus. The kiddos are a huge fan of the other book we have for History/Geography Extreme Planet. Some of the more interesting facts and gross details are portrayed in this book. Of course our handy-dandy world map and globe are constantly in play too.
In addition to all these projects, I've also completed a Simple Catholic Coloring Book and I'm working on a more 'adult' Intricate Catholic Coloring Book too.
On the horse-front, I'm working on a Simple My Little Curly Coloring Book as well as an 'adult' Intricate Curly Coloring Book.
So as you can see, I've been a busy busy girl! :-)