Friday, October 30, 2015

Happy First Communion, Simon!

My little boy has his First Holy Communion this Sunday. He is so excited he can hardly contain himself. In honor of his big days I'm going to have some of my Eucharist themed coloring pages available for free. These have been used in an First Holy Communion workbook that uses the text of the St Joseph Catechism. Well, I had planned to put the images here, but my iPad had other ideas. Safari and my BlogDocs app both refuse to let me add them. So instead I'm going to link to the Benedict Catholic Creations Facebook page with them on it. While you're there you can like my page and stay current there too! Hopefully I'll get my app problems fixed and be able to post the images on the blog shortly. I had a migraine today, so I was unable to think my way around it.

UPDATE: I finally got on the laptop to add the images to this post. Hopefully you can enjoy them. We had to postpone my son's First Holy Communion due to the dreaded stomach virus striking him, his sister, and both my parents as well as other members of the family. We are going forward with it next Sunday, November 8!

Angels adoring the True Presence in the Monstrance
Chalice and Host with wheat and grapes with IHS

Boy praying in front of Chalice and Host
Chalice and Host

Girl praying in front of Chalice and Host

Monday, October 26, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Here are 2 samples of the series I call 'My Little Curly' for Halloween. I have about 60 of them at this point and plan to offer them for individual sale and as a coloring book collection. I'm still searching for a good app to convert the JPEG files to PDF files. Constant ideas for more horses in the series flit through my mind, so check back here often if you're interested in this series. Without further ado...

Thursday, October 22, 2015

I'm a terrible blogger!

I'm an awful blogger. I never seem to think about blogging. I'd much rather sleep it seems. No, really, the time I have that I could be blogging is usually spent on my iPad drawing or even playing iPad games. Lately drawing has taken a huge amount of my time. I embarked on another new journey to illustrate a First Communion coloring/work book with another woman named Erika. Besides doing that we've gotten Rachel a Curly horse and started a new school year. I'm working on a series of drawings called My Little Curly for Rachel. They are whimsical horse drawings that highlight the curls of her new horse in a fun way while still remaining true to anatomy and traditional horse disciplines. I have also been drawing heavy equipment for Simon - tractors, excavators, monster trucks, etc. I'm going to use this page for my Catholic drawings as well as the My Little Curly series and the Equipment series. However, right now all that is under construction. Please contact me via email if you're interested in seeing some of my work. I post some on Facebook for free, but will be trying to generate a small amount of recompense for others here. Thanks for reading!